After illustration of the problem suggestions for consequent
discrete mathematical approaches are introduced in the detailed information . The "probability of return" of separated conserved quantities plays a central
role. Proper time proves to be proportional to the sum of probabilities
for return to the starting point (symmetry center) of a Bernoulli random
walk. The formulae indicate that the by us sent
cumulative effect will be later perceived by us again in recombined form (summarily), and
that the probability for this goes to 1 (in the course of proper time).
Since 2015 the approach was extended and the connection of "information" with geometry addressed in wgeoapp1.pdf.
If you are interested: The combinatorics of real (discrete)
physics can soon become so complicated that Software
and computer emulations are necessary for us to get some insight.
If you have enough time: There are also a concise formulary and a formulary
and some older texts
(in german language).
If you like: There is also some music.
A general conclusion: We should not overestimate the importance of the current (short term) partition of perceptible reality, and not underestimate the medium term relevance of increasing information exchange and conjoint history (and not underestimate the very long term relevance of conjoint contradiction free memory).
Remark (2015): Anthropogenic problems threaten future of life on earth.