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Wolfgang Orthuber

2011-2021 Vice Director of the Department of Orthodontics of University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein
2000 Mathematician (Dipl.-Math.)
(Diploma II, good and very good results)
1996-2000 Study of mathematics at the FernUniversität Hagen
1993 Orthodontist
1990 Dentist at the Department of Orthodontics of University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein
1988 Dr. med. dent.
1986-1990 Assistant doctor at the polyclinic for prosthodontics of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
1986 Dentist
1982-1986 Study of dental medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
1980-1982 Study of human medicine at the University Regensburg until medical preliminary examination
1980 General qualification for university entrance (Abitur), BayBFG award
In the 1980s and 1990s, just early in my professional career, I initiated and helped develop a precise method for computer-assisted bending of orthodontic wires. The method was patented both in the EU and the US later. In the 1990s then I worked together with a development team from Berlin. This team developed fully to a special technology solution provider of individualized orthodontic care in short time, and later set up OraMetrix Inc. In 1998 the mentioned patent was acquired by OraMetrix Inc, which meanwhile became a subcompany of Dentsply Sirona, the large worldwide supplier and provider of dental products and technique.

2004 I started to focus on objectivity in medicine. Medical findings are never fully identical. Therefore findings, which belong to the same rough diagnosis, should be comparable. In general information, which belongs to the same group of "similar" information, should be comparable. A basal analysis disclosed that any information is a selection from a "domain", which is an ordered common "set of possibilities". For comparability the domain of information must be the same for sender and all receivers of the information. There is a far reaching possibility for generalization: Any digital information consists of number sequences which represent such a selection from a (multidimensional) domain. The efficient global (online) definition of this set is possible. Thus, all users can define searchable efficient digital information globally uniformly by online definition of its domain. 2012 I developed a numeric search engine to demonstrate precise searchability of such user defined information. The global application of the concept has substantial technical potential. Worldwide comparison and search of precise data is possible, e.g. of real medical findings, treatment and results. Thus, a single search result using measurements from a certain patient can yield anonymized individually adapted statistics from worldwide data, more meaningful than an elaborate scientific study in 2021. The principle can be applied generally to online defined information, e.g. from science or industry or other objectifiable areas. If you are interested, don't hesitate to contact me.


Some publications

Relevant concerning digital data structure: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

  1. Orthuber W. The potential role of domain vectors in optimizing digital data structure. Computing and Artificial Intelligence. 2025; 3(1): 1884.

  2. Orthuber W. We Can Define the Domain of Information Online and Thus Globally Uniformly. Information 2022, 13(5): 256.

  3. Orthuber W. The Building Blocks of Information Are Selections - Let's Define Them Globally! Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Vol. 285; pHealth 2021: 76-81.

  4. Orthuber W. Reproducible Transport of Information. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Vol. 281; IOS Press 2021: 3-7.

  5. Orthuber W. Internet since decades - but no globally searchable data. GJETA 2020;4(3):70-72.
    (quickly clarifies problem with solution)

  6. Orthuber W. How to make medical information comparable and searchable. Digit Med 2020;6:1-8.

  7. Orthuber W. Information Is Selection-A Review of Basics Shows Substantial Potential for Improvement of Digital Information Representation. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17(8), 2975.
    Update as book chapter

  8. Orthuber W. Global predefinition of digital information. Digit Med 2018;4:148-56.

  9. Orthuber W. Online definition of comparable and searchable medical information. Digit Med 2018;4:77-83.

  10. Orthuber W. Wir brauchen global definierte Bits und Zahlen!
    German Society for Computer Science (GI), specialist article about software technology 2018 May 30.

  11. Orthuber W. Why informatics and general science need a conjoint basic definition of information.
    arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.03106. 2018 Jan 8.

  12. Orthuber W, Hasselbring W. Proposal for a new basic information carrier on the Internet: URL plus number sequence. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference WWW/Internet 2016. IADIS, 2016; pp. 279-284.

  13. Orthuber W. Collection of Medical Original Data with Search Engine for Decision Support. In MIE 2016 Sep 22 pp. 257-261.

  14. Orthuber W. How to make quantitative data on the web searchable and interoperable part of the common vocabulary. GI-Jahrestagung 2015 (pp. 1231-1242).

  15. Orthuber W. Uniform definition of comparable and searchable information on the web. arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.1065. 2014 Jun 3.

  16. Schmidt A, Ciesielski R, Orthuber W, Koos B. Survey of oral health-related quality of life among skeletal malocclusion patients following orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery. Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics/Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie. 2013 Jul 1;74(4):287-94.

  17. Orthuber W, Papavramidis E. Standardized vectorial representation of medical data in patient records. Medical and Care Compunetics. 2010;6:153-66.

  18. Orthuber W, Dietze S. Towards Standardized Vectorial Resource Descriptors on the Web. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2010 (pp. 453-458).

  19. Orthuber W, Sommer T. A searchable patient record database for decision support. MIE 2009 (pp. 584-588).

  20. Dietze S, Benn N, Domingue J, Orthuber W. Blending the physical and the digital through conceptual spaces. In: OneSpace 2009 Workshop at Future Internet Symposium (FIS) 2009, 01-03 Sep 2009, Berlin, Germany.

  21. Orthuber W, Fiedler G, et al. Design of a global medical database which is searchable by human diagnostic patterns. The open medical informatics journal. 2008;2:21.

  22. Fischer-Brandies H, Orthuber W, Es-Souni M, Meyer S. Torque transmission between square wire and bracket as a function of measurement, form and hardness parameters. Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics/Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie. 2000 Jul 1;61(4):258-65.

  23. Fischer-Brandies H, Orthuber W, Ermert M, Hussmanns A. The force module for the bending art system. Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics/Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie.1998 Sep 1;59(5):301-11.

  24. Orthuber W, Fischer-Brandies H. Dental apparatus for bending and twisting wire pieces. United States patent US 4,656,860. 1987 Apr 14, European Patent EP0161400B1, 1988 May 04.

The following list contains some publications to foundations of physics. The approaches 1002 and 1005 to proper time and to information 1006 are in the year 2023 still unusual. However, it is only consequent to search for a clear information theoretic time conformal approach also in fundamental physics. A common set of possibilities (domain) is always PREcondition for information exchange.

  1. Orthuber W. All physical information is discretely connected from the beginning and all geometrical appearance is a delayed statistical consequence.
    Ann Math Phys. 2023; 6(2): 159-172.

  2. Orthuber W. A discrete and finite approach to past physical reality. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. 2004; 2004(19):1003-23.

  3. Orthuber W. Lattice software, algadd algorithms. pdf 2003 Dec 23.

  4. Orthuber W. A discrete approach to the vacuum Maxwell equations and the fine structure constant. arXiv preprint quant-ph/0312188. 2003 Dec 23.

  5. Orthuber W. A discrete and finite approach to past proper time. arXiv preprint quant-ph/0207045. 2002 Jul 9.

  6. Orthuber W. To the finite information content of the physically existing reality. arXiv preprint quant-ph/0108121. 2001 Aug 28.